I am a 26 year old female and for the past few months I have been having very weak periods that often last no longer than a single day. They are so weak that I don't need to use tampons and pantyliner will suffice. They are however extremely regular and fall every 30 days. I came off the pill last year and for after a few months my periods returned to normal. It is in the past 6 months or so that they have become so weak that they are causing me concern. A few years ago, I had a big cyst on my right ovary and late treatment meant it twisted and resulted in me having to have one ovary removed along with the cyst. I have researched possible reasons for weak periods and polycystic ovaries seem to be one of the main explanations. However I do not have any of the other symptoms usually associated with this condition and I am not over- weight.
I am extremely concerned of the implication my weak periods may have on future fertility but when I have taken my concerns to my GP he has dismissed them. I was hoping you could maybe give me some possible reasons as to why this may be happening.
Many thanks for your time. K. from the U.K.
Hello K. from the U.K.,
The amount of bleeding a woman has with her periods is dependent on the amount of tissue there is to slough. That is, the thickness of the endometrial lining. Even if the amount is small, at this point it would not be of concern. The amount of bleeding will vary from person to person and cycle to cycle. As long as your cycles are regular, that is the important part. Certainly if the endometrium is not developing adequately, that could impair implantation of the embryo and your fertility. But, I doubt that would be the case. I would not worry about this at this point in time. Just wait and see what happens when you begin trying for pregnancy. If you have difficulty, then testing and evaluation will be done to see if the endometrium is not developing adequately. If that is the case, then supplemental hormone can be given.
Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program
ReplyDeleteThe amount of blood flow with the period depends on the thickness of the endometrial lining. If you are not having much flow, then you are not developing a real thick lining. That is okay. A 1-2 day period can be normal, so I don't think you need to worry about it or see a doctor for it. If it stops altogether, then you might want to see your doctor.
Good Luck,
Dr. Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program
Monterey, California, U.S.A.
for additional information check out my blog at http://womenshealthandfertility.blogspot.com check me out on twitter with me at @montereybayivf and facebook @montereybayivf
My hope is to have a healthy baby but I’m 36 now and having lots of problems. Getting extremely discouraged and not sure what the best approach moving forward should be. Help….
At 34 I got pregnant naturally for the first time. Thrilled however, when I went in for ultrasound no heartbeat had to have a D&C. TTC for another year with no success decided to get blood work done. Told all normal results below.
Date: 2-24-10
Progesterone – 26.0
Prolactin- 13.0
TSH – 1.38
Went in for more blood work on 3rd day of my menstruation cycle. Results not well. Told the reason not conceiving is my FSH was high. See results below.
Date: 3-9-10
Estradiol – 61
FSH- 10.2
Went in for more blood work on 3rd day of menstruation cycle. Results ok.
Date: 5-27-10
FSH – 6.4
Estradiol- 47
Progesterone- 25
Do to my FSH being 10.2 I went in for a fertility consultation. Results were a mild to moderate diminished of ovarian reserve. Treatment details below.
April 2010- IUI – unsuccessful
July 2010 - IVF- chemical pregnancy (total embryos 6 , 3 of good quality deposited) Note: Husband sperm poor. ICSI needed.
Dec 2010 - IUI- unsuccessful
Decided to part of the PURSE study.
IVF – unsuccessful
( total 6 embroyos all cell stages 6,7,8 Grade 1, 2,) ICSI. Vol 2.5 mL – Conc 43M/mL – Motility 16% -- Prog. 2 Husband sperm analysis poor.
End of March 2011 we got pregnant naturally. Since, I have a problem both getting and staying pregnant decided to get blood work to track my BHCG to see if pregnancy levels were on track. Nope, again disappointed and pregnancy resulted in another D&C. Results below.
4-08-11 BHCG 150
4-11-11 Progesterone – 706
4-11-11 Estradiol – 338
4-11-11 BHCG 314
4-13-11 BHCG 329
4-15-11 BHCG 224
4-18-11 BHCG 177
4-25-11 BHCG 261
4-26-11 D&C
5-30-11 One day brown discharge; think period.
7-03-11 One-day brown discharge; think period zero symptoms other wise.
My major concern is why am I not having a normal period?
· Scared uterus from the D&C? How can this be identified?
· What testing should I have done? FSH, Prolactin, Progestrone, Estradial, THS, etc…
· Should I get on progesterone oral pills?
· Should I get on estrogen pills?
· When is a good time to have my embryos put in?
My health care provider is not helping me at all. I’m sad, scared, not getting any younger and would love to be a mom. Any suggestion you have would be greatly appreciated. What should my next steps be?
Thanks for listening.
ReplyDeleteWhat a confusing course you have taken. Based on the information you gave me, you have had the following course:
Spontaneous pregnancy -> ended in miscarriage
IUI - > unsuccessful
IVF -> chemical pregnancy
IUI -> unsuccessful
IVF -> unsuccessful
Spontaneous pregnancy -> chemical pregnancy
Your working diagnosis thus far is decreased ovarian reserve (elevated FSH) and decreased sperm motility (asthenospermia). In addition, since you are now 36 years old, there is the addition of the Age factor and because you have now had three miscarriages, you are a habitual aborter.
Based on the fact that you have had three pregnancies, two of which were spontaneous, it shows that you have the ability to become pregnant either naturally or with assistance. However, you have a problem keeping the pregnancies intact. So, your strategy needs some refinement. You need to be evaluated and treated has a recurrent miscarrier/habitual aborter.
Since you have had your hormones checked in the past, they don't need to be repeated. You should now have a diagnostic hysteroscopy done to evaluate the endometrial cavity, chromosomal karyotyping in yourself and husband, genetic carrier screening in yourself and your husband and a full antiphospholipid panel. If any of these come out positive, then the treatment will be defined by that problem. If they are all negative, then I would recommend empiric treatment with low dose aspirin (81mg), mini-dose heparin (2000 units twice per day), Medrol 16 mg and progesterone.
In terms of your fertility treatment, you have several options:
1. Continue to try by natural method such as superovulation with timed intercourse or IUI
2. Proceed with IVF. Based on the age factor, recurrent miscarriages, decreased ovarian reserve and male factor, I would recommend IVF with ICSI as the treatment of choice. PGS (preimplantation genetic screening) is recommended for recurrent miscarriage patients but that is an option for you. I would not strongly recommend it.
In terms of your menstrual cycles, I can't address that issue because I don't have enough information. You will need an examination and another hormone check. Make sure the bHCG has cleared your system AND that you are not currently newly pregnant.
Good Luck.
hi i dont speak english propely,sorry about that,i had pollycistic ovaries,iregular periods then problem to get pregnant,been seen to doctor,i get metformin to have ovulation and i have a baby,i was brest fedding 5 months...next month get period.and my period cycle is 1 and halh monts regulary and periods is verry verry low bleeding im vory this monts is like red discharge only 1 day
ReplyDeleteThe amount of bleeding with a period is not an issue unless it is very heavy bleeding. However, a very very light period like you have, may not be a period at all. If the ovary did not cycle correctly and ovulate, an adequate uterine lining would not have been produced and so there would be nothing to shed (bleed). In that case it is possible, and likely, that your ovaries are returning to its PCO state. You'll have to wait and see how your next few cycles go.
Good Luck
ReplyDeleteMy husband and i have been trying to get pregnant for over 5 months now and nothing has happenend, can you tell me what might be the problem?
thank you. Shelly.
ReplyDeletei too have problems with my periods.they last a day or a day and a half max..i have had two miscarriages..all below 5 weeks.but before the miscarriages m periods were 3 to 5 days heavy with alot of cramping.what could be the problem
Hello Jan 28,
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you what might be going on without doing a complete evaluation, but with that said, I would recommend that you not worry yet. We don't consider a woman to have an infertility problem until they have been trying for at least 1 year, or 6 months if they are over 35 years old. That is because most women will take 8-12 months to achieve pregnancy.
Good Luck
Hlelo Jan 31st,
ReplyDeleteHaving a short period is not necessarily abnormal and does not affect your ability to become pregnant nor keep the pregnancy. Pregnancy causes exogenous hormones to be produces, which is the reason that one does not have a period. The only influence a cycle has is whether or not ovulation occurs and the hormones are all normal. If you have a short cycle and this is the reason for a short period, then that could mean that there is a hormonal imbalance.
Good Luck
ReplyDeleteI have been having irregular periods (once in 2 to 3 months) but had heavy flows for 7~10 days.
However, this month I only bled small amount and it only came out after I took my morning shower.
I usually have bad cramps but this time I barely felt any. Do you think something is wrong with me? Should I go see a doctor?
Hello Feb 8th,
ReplyDeleteHaving irregular periods is already an abnormality and you should seek appropriate care for that. The problem with irregular and infrequent cycles is that you increase your risk for hemorrhage when you finally have your period, your risk for endometrial hyperplasia which is a pre-cancerous condition and your risk for endometrial cancer. In addition, it is a sign that your hormones are out of sync leading to other problems as well.
The fact that the bleeding was less is not a concern, however.
Good Luck
I have been trying to conceive for almost a year. This month I had brownish spotting 13dpo then medium flow bleeding the day AF was due for 1 day only. Since then, (yesterday and today) I have light brown spotting. Normally my period lasts 2 or 3 days with bleeding. Was this an abnormal period or is there any chance I could be pregnant, even with medium flow bleeding for a day?
ReplyDeleteHello Feb 26th,
ReplyDeleteIt can be abnormal bleeding, an different period or early pregnancy. It is difficult to know for sure. A blood preganncy test can check for pregnancy. If it is negative, then it is either abnormal bleeding or a different period.
My period is 1 day and brown. What is wrong. Like that each month.
ReplyDeleteHello Girlygirl,
ReplyDeleteUsually the amount of flow with a period is proportional to the amount of endometrial lining produced. The endometrial lining is produced or grown with increasing amounts of estrogen that occurs in the first two weeks of the cycle. This is called the "proliferative phase" for proliferation/growth of the endometrium. As a targeted follicle grows, it produces more and more estrogen. So, the fact that your periods are very light is a little worrisome in terms of the possibility that there is inadequate estrogen production. If you have regular periods and ovulating then adequate estrogen should be produced, so maybe there is an ovarian dysfunction going on. I cannot be sure without additional information or testing.
Now if you are on the birth control pill, this would be another matter. The birth control pill is formulated to reduce the thickness of the endometrial lining, so a light period would be normal in that case.
Hi i'm 25 with a four year old child. Before my daughter was born i suffered recurrent miscarriages (10 in total, most of which were chemical pregnancies and all were before 6 weeks) plus one molar pregnancy (partial mole removed at around 9weeks).
ReplyDeleteI quite frequently have "borderline changes" on my smear test results and due to this have to keep going every six months to have another test. My next one is due in June.
For the last 6 months my monthly periods have become lighter and lighter, last month I bled properly for one day and the rest of the time (about 3/4 days) it was just very very small amounts of old blood. Before all this started I used to have at least 4 days of proper menstruation, then for a little while I went through a phase of bleeding for a day or two, then having old blood for two days, then bleeding properly again for another day or so, but the last 6 months as I have already said, its just getting lighter and lighter. I have had my hormones checked and I don't think anything showed up, it did show that I have folate deficiency though. Is this all due to the folate deficiency or could it be something more? I am on 5mg a day of folic acid by the way
Kate in England :)
Hello Kate,
ReplyDeleteThe amount of bleeding with the period is due to the amount of endometrial lining that develops. The thicker the lining, the more blood there is and vice versa. Certainly a folate deficiency can have an effect on blood production but I don't think that is why your cycles are lighter.
Women's cycles can vary throughout their lifetime. It is not abnormal to have a change from 3 days to 1 day. This can be completely normal. I don't think you need to worry.
Good Luck.
I have had regular periods , have not been pregnant yet but i only had this thing one other time, a very bad period where i could not move or do anything but sit in agony, i tried drinkin tea, and everything i just dont kno it was to the point i was gettin breathless nd had to sit on the floor nd a certain position, this month i had the same thing but this time a one day period , hurting to the point i didn't know wht to do i get in a hot
ReplyDeletebath and all of a sudden my period stopped it has onlt been on for one day maybe not even one day 7 hours, this has hppened once before doing nothing kust stopped . I don't know what it could be ?
ReplyDeleteIf you are having severe cramping or pain with your periods then there is a high chance this might be due to a pelvic disease called endometriosis. It causes the pelvis to be inflammed and usually it is more active when the period occurs. I would advise that you go see your doctor and undergo evaluation.
Hi, i am 27 years old. When i was still young my menstrual period last for 4days but now it only takes 2days. Last month i had a papsmear, and the findings says i have a bacteria vaginosis..i am scared if that also causes my weak menstrual flow? Please help me. Thank you. And if you can also help me on how to cure bacteria vaginosis..thank you..sorry for my english.
ReplyDeleteDEAR Doctor
ReplyDeleteI stopped taking oral contrceptives in October of 2012 which i had taken continuously for about three years.Since then i have not menstruated i just have incidents of spotting here and there but no period.I visited a gynae in feb and he prescribed provera which i took for 10 days and nothing hapenned for about two weeks i just had a little bit of spotting for a day.He sent me to the lab for hormonal tests which he said where all normal.I am now worried cos i want to try to get pregnant and the fact that i am not pregnant now since i have not been using anything now bothers me. If my age will help i am 28.
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteI am 22 years old and have always had light periods that last about 3 days with uncomfortable cramping. About September last year, I started to get bad Migraines and cramps with my periods, as well as pain in my anal region while on my period. Each month since, my cramps have gotten increasingly worse but I still have light bleeding. I went to my gynecologist in January, and she just diagnosed me with Dysmenorrea. The last two months, my cramps have been the worst the have ever been to the point where I can't complete daily activities, and bleeding only persists for a day, with minor minor brown spotting for a day or two after. Do you think this is simply due to having a thin endometrial lining, or do you think I should seek a second opinion and be evaluated for Endometriosis. I appreciate any help! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI would like to ask for advice. I had 5 miscarriages in a row. I am 34 and my partner 43, both healthy. I have bicornuate uterus, Pcos.My periods are regular, we have no problem to get pregnant. My first miscarriage was at 12 weeks, no pain, no cramps, just urgency to push. -complete miscarriage. Second miscarriage, missed 13 weeks,baby died aroun 8 weeks. Was on baby aspirin, crinone gel. Third- pregnancy unknown location. Fourt-missed-baby died around 6 weeks. Fifth- partial molar pregnancy (march 2012).I was on baby aspirin,progesteron and predinosol tab. All our bloods were ok and karyotyp as well. My partner wasnt checked for sperm analysis. Could his sperm cause problem? And i was wondering could my quality of eggs cause problem? What kind of test would you recommended. Thank you. Zuzana
Hello April 14th,
ReplyDeleteFirst, let me explain that the diagnosis "Dysmenorrhea" means that there is "pain with menstruation". It is not a diagnosis of the cause of the pain.
I think that you have wisdom beyond your years. It would urge that you seek a new Gynecologist. First, it is not normal to have severe debilitating cramping with your periods. An evaluation needs to be done and this will include an ultrasound and possibly a laparoscopy. You are correct that this problem could be due to endometriosis and the only way to find endometriosis is through a laparoscopy. I would also want to do an ultrasoun to make sure that you don't have any other sources such as cysts, tumors, fibroid, and that your are not retaining blood within your enodmetrial cavity because of a partially blocked cervical canal.
Good Luck
Name: GP - Age: 27
ReplyDeleteHi, I wanted to write in about 2 issues.
1) Since last month my cycles went from a normal 28 day cycle with 3-5 days of bleeding to the same length between cycles (give or take 10 days) with only 1 day of bleeding. More like light spotting, with no real need to wear a tampon or pantyliner. I'm not stressed, I don't exercise, I'm 4'11" weighing 98lbs, have no kids and I don't suffer from an eating disorder. I'm a social drinker and on ocassion I'll smoke a joint (just being honest so you know). Last summer I didn't have a cycle from June-August, however come September my cycle came back from being on hiatus as if she never left. I was going to wait to see if the pattern repeats next month before consulting my Dr. Is this normal/ok?
2) I'd like to have children soon however my experience with pregnancy has been a rocky and emotional one.
-July 2005 - I was "pregnant," the Dr. conducted an ultrasound to find the embryo but all he found was the amniotic sac the baby was "supposed" to be in therefore he told me it wasn't a viable pregnancy but a Blighted Ovum. (D&C)
-Dec 2005 - I was pregnant and young and could not support a child so I opted for an abortion. This time there was a baby in the amniotic sac. (Abortion)
-June 2007 - I was pregnant and able to support a child and so we were excited about being parents! I went in for my first ultrasound at 12 weeks and was told that her heart stopped beating. (D&C)
-Dec 2007 - I received a positive pregnancy result. Upon seeing my Dr. I was told that the pregnancy wasn't viable and instead it was a Molar Pregnancy (not sure if it was partial or complete). (D&C)
-June 2010 - I received another positive pregnancy result. Once again my Dr. informed us that the pregnancy wasn't viable and that instead it was another Molar Pregnancy. (D&C)
As you can imagine I'm TERRIFIED of being pregnant. Although it's supposed to be a happy time in a woman's life I'm scared. I want to have children but my medical past doesn't give me much hope of it happening. Not only that but my family history doesn't give me much hope either. My mother had to have a hysterectomy at age 41, and my grandmother went through menopause at age 36. No other women in my family have experienced Molar pregnancies. What tests do you recommend I have done in regards to my fertilization? Am I too young to have hormones tested? I'd like to prevent having to go into surgery at all costs. Can too many vaginal proceedures (abortion/D&C's) render you infertile?
Hello April 13th,
ReplyDeleteSorry for the delay. Bacterial vaginosis does not cause problems with menstruation and changing from a 4 day period to a 2 day period is not necessarily abnormal. I don't think you need to worry.
Hello April 14th 09:07,
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you did not respond to a Provera challenge means that the endometrial lining was not developed. This means that you lackes estrogen. The most common reason for not producing estrogen is if there is an ovarian dysfunction. Without knowing what the exact hormone results were, I cannot advise as to the actual problem. A hormone panel, looking at FSH, LH, Estradiol, TSH and Prolactin, are the usual first tests done and can help to determine the cause. The problem with some Doctor's interpretations is that they go by the "normal results" given by the lab rather than interpreting the results. What I mean is that the hormone levels could be within normal limits according to the lab guidelines but the clinical interpretation may actually show that there is a problem. You need to have this evaluated because other than hormones there are also other possible causes. Any of these can prevent pregnancy and sone will limit your treatment options. Go see a good Reproductive specialist to sort this out.
Good Luck
Hello Zuzana,
ReplyDeleteSome of the losses are in fact considered miscarriages and some are not. The losses after 12 weeks gestational age are considered early fetal losses but not miscarriages. Why this is important is because the causes could be different. When you lost the early pregnancies, did they determine why the babies died? Did they check the fetal chromosomes? The most common reason for miscarriages and early pregnancy losses are because of a major chromosomal anomoly in the fetus leading to major anatomical abnormalities. These chromosomal abnormalities may not be due to an abnormality that you or your husband carry, rather is most often a spontaneous defect. This means it occurred during the division of the egg to produce an embryo.
There are other causes as well such as infection, immunological abnormalities, anatomical abnormalities and hormonal abnormalities. You need to undergo a recurrent miscarriage evaluation to try to find the cause so that an appropriate treatment can be given. This should be done with an Infertility sub-specialist.
Good Luck
Hello GP,
ReplyDeleteIn regards to your first question, if your periods have returned to normal, then nother more needs to be done. If you continue missing or it is extremely light, as it was prior, then you should have an evaluation done, which includes hormones.
In regards to the second question, it is a big subject that needs more explanation than I can give here. Miscarriages are different from Molar pregnancies. But you might want to have your chromosomes checked (both you and your husband) to make sure you are not carrying some type of hidden genetic abnormailty since this can cause both miscarriages and molar pregnancies. In most cases of miscarriages and molar pregnancies, the genetic abnormality is a spontaneous defect, meaning it occurred on its own when the egg was dividing and developing into an embryo.
There are many causes of miscarriages and certainly have repeated D&C's can be a cause if it causes scar tissue within the uterus. In any case, a thorough evaluation is warrented by a reproductive specialist.
Good Luck
hi there !
ReplyDeletemy husband and I. are on a calendar method. but on this month i have 1 day menstrual period. is there a possibility that we are going to have a baby?
Hello April 30,
ReplyDeleteThe number of days that you bleed with your period has no bearing on your fertility necessarily. Your chances of getting pregnant would be the same. Whether or not you get pregnant, however, is something that I cannot predict.
Good Luck.
ReplyDeleteI'm 20 years old. My period has been normal (5 days) except for this month. It's my third day already but since day 1 my menstrual flow was very light and the color is brown. My breasts are also sore. I'm very worried. What is happening?
ReplyDeleteMy period lasts only one day or day and half and it is very weak. I used to take birth control one year ago since I am loosing my hair. but I noticed it is not helpful and all of my veins turning blue, so I stopped taking tablet.
Still loosing hair. The other thing is that I never developed breast. I saw doctors and had many hormone test, I have been told everything is normal.
Now I am 32, I never found why I dont have breast.
I never been in touch with any guy, infact I dont feel good and I experienced deep depression in my life. all the time I am disappointed and not eager to wear nice cloths.
Thank you,
hi am having a problem with my menstation i only see it for one day and this ave bee going on for two month am 19 years old and everytime have been freating and wondering if its something wrong can someone please help mi out by giving me some information? thanxs
ReplyDeleteHello May 2nd Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThe symptoms you are having may be completely normal, but without some testing, there is no way to know what is exactly going on.
Hello Belfast Studio,
ReplyDeleteI would strongly recommend that you see an Endocrinologist or Reproductive Endocrinologist regarding your problems. It is possible that there may be some type of hormonal or genetic issue that has not been evaluated correctly or completely.
I appreciate your reply, I ve seen Endocrinologist but they have told me you dont have any hormonal issue and everything is normal. I followed it many times with different drs but I didnt find what is the problem. I had a complete hormonal test in colombia hospital and the result was normal. Thank you
DeleteHello May 4 Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteA one day flow is not necessarily abnormal. The amount of flow is determined by the thickness of the endometrial lining that you develop. If not a lot of lining is developed, then there won't be much blood. The average period is 3 day and only one or two of those days may be flow. I don't think you necessarily need to worry about it, but if you want to be checked, then you should have hormonal testing to make sure that your hormones are normal.
Hello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI hit myself accidentally with a door knob, hard on my lower front right side, this happened almost a year ago, and it still hurts. I got ultra sound scanning done on the advice of a doctor after 1 month of getting hurt and the reports were normal. But the pain is still there, it hurts.
Also, my periods last only about 1-1.5days, but they occur every month. Is this normal?
I have also lost quite an amount of weight since November- about 5-6kgs. Is this something to worry about?
Awaiting your response.
Thank you.
Hi I had a period in may 2012 that only lasted one day I also have sore breasts and there is a whitish liquid that comes out of my breasts I have cramps once in awhile I get nauseated sometimes I sleep a lot more than what I used to can you please give me some advice
ReplyDeleteHello May 29,
ReplyDeleteI can't answer to your question regarding the right hip pain but to say that you could have hurt the hip bone or other structure near the surface. You probably did not hurt anything in the pelvis. The bleeding is normal and can vary from woman to woman. In terms of the weight loss, whether or not it is normal will depend on circumstances and an evaluation, so you'll need to see a doctor for that one.
Hello June 4,
ReplyDeleteHave you had a pregnancy test done? I'd check that first. If that is negative then other testing will be required including prolactin and thyroid levels.
Good evening!
ReplyDeleteI have a couple questions. I am 27 years old. I have been on Birth Control since the age of 15 years old. Last month for a couple of weeks I started experiencing nausea, fatigue, a sensitive sense of smell and some food grossed me out. That last month on the pills, I hardly had a period. Only light spotting on needed to wear pantyliners. I was still on the pill at this point. However, for the last few months I was on the pill I did not always take them regularly. Some months I missed some pills. I immediately thought I might be pregnant. I took two pregnancy test and they both came out negative.
I did some research on the pill and decided that in the Fall I would want to start trying for kids...therefore I came off the pill. This month is my first month off the pill...the last couple of weeks I have been very bloated and my breasts are sore..I have no other symptoms. My period was scheduled to come. It was a couple days late (Day 1: I had cramps and it was pretty heave..Day 2: only very light spotting...Day 3: only very very light spotting and Day 4:done).
I have read online that once you come off the pill it can take your body a few months to get your cycle back to normal..and since I was on the pill for so many years I am unsure what is happening.
Could I be pregnant? Should I take another pregnancy test? Should I be concerned?
DeleteThere are no hard and fast rules. Everybody is different and some do get pregnant immediately after coming off the pill and some during a pill cycle if they miss one or two pills. So pregnancy is always a possiblity. With the bleeding, however, it is possible that either you didn't get pregnant and it is a normal but late period or it was a chemical pregnancy which is a form of early miscarraige. You'll need to do a blood pregnancy test to be sure.
Good Luck
Thank you! I took another pregnancy test and it came negative again. However, this is month 2 off my pill and my period is still late and only lasting around 1 day. I am really thinking of trying to get pregnant within the next couple of months. Should I wait until my cycle regulates itself or am I safe to start trying even with the period irregularities I have been experiencing? I wouldn't want to try if there is a greater chance that things might go wrong due to my unregulated cycle. What is your opinion?
DeleteI was 13 days late for my menstrual period and start flagyl tomorrow for bacterial vaginosis. I took one pregnancy test it was negative never been pregnant before and am sexual active. Period came but it is brown/pink and lil red on tip of tampon this is my second day of this only used 3 tampons. What does this mean? Is it caused by bv or could I be pregnant?
ReplyDeleteHello July 4,
DeleteSpotting can be an indication of a pregnancy, so unless you did a blood pregnancy test, that can't be ruled out yet. Otherwise, I cannot know what is causing the problem without further evaluation and information. I would advise that you see your gynecologist regarding this if you don't get regular periods back within 4 weeks.
Good Luck
Hi doc, had my 1st child feb 2004 thru CSat 28yrs, got pregnant with 2nd in 2006 but lost her at birth due to a tear along the CS cut. Told to wait for about 1.5 years to allow for healing. My gynea asked me to go for HSG in 2009, my womb was normal then he placed me on clomid to no avail. I changed gyn and this one did flushing and placed me on ovamit for 4 mths. Then he gave me parlodel which i reacted to - swollen limbs and excess weight. I decided to go off drugs.
ReplyDeleteFeb this year my period was delayed for 5 days with the symptoms of pregnancy but i started having serious cramps and my period came. I notice that my bleeding days that is usually 4-5days now flows heavyily for 2 days and stops. Then bacterial vaginousis is recurrent almost every month after bleeding till ard ovulation. Could be the cause? My cycle is 28days but recently flunctuates between 25-27 days. My husbands semen analysis is normal. Recently have been thinking of IUI cos of age am now 36 yrs. Please, what do i do i need ur advice?
Hello July 10,
DeleteYour cycle fluctuation of 25027 days is within the margin of error, so that means you are regular and probably ovulating. The late period you had recently could have been an early miscarriage we call a chemical pregnancy. We won't be able to know because you didn't do a blood pregnancy test.
Age is now a significant factor in your ability to become pregnant and maintain a pregnancy. The chances of pregnancy per month is lower and the risk of miscarriage is higher. So, you should expect that it will be more difficult for you to have another child, but not impossible. In general, if a woman is over 35 years old we recommend that she consult an infertility subspecialist if she unable to conceive within 6 months. You are at that point, so I would recommend that you see an infertility specialist, NOT your general Ob/Gyn doctor. Your treatment options will then be based on the problems identified in an evaluation.
Good Luck
Hi I am 22, I have previously been pregnant at 18 and 19 with a previous partner but due to the age I didn't feel ready for a family. I have been with my new partner for 3 years now and have been having unprotected sex for around 7months but haven't yet became pregnant. Is there anything wrong with me? Also my periods have changed from the last week of the month and lasting 6days to mid month and lasting no longer than 2days. I don't know what's going on
ReplyDeleteHello July 20,
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of different possible reasons why you are not getting pregnant, one of which could be a problem in you but the other is that it could be a problem with your new partner. Since it has been over one year, you would be classified as an infertility patient, and I would recommend that you consult an infertility specialist and undergo an evaluation. Based on the findings of the evaluation, you will then be recommended an appropriate treatment.
Good Luck
hi,i am 20,i used to hav a regular 5 days flow during earlier days of my mensuration,but its been few months that my periodslats for 3 days with harldy any flow in last 2 days.is there any serious problem???????
ReplyDeleteThere is no problem. This can be a normal variation. Women's cycles do change from time to time depending on many circumstances.
Deletehi doc i hav periods for one day i consult my doc she gave me ovacare tablets bt no improvement my test r normal
DeleteI don't think that a 1 day period is abnormal unless some other hormonal disorder is found. The amount of bleeding generally depends on the thickness of the endometrium, which is dependent on the amount of estrogen production. Checking hormone levels is appropriate (needs to be done on cycle day #2 or 3) and if they are normal, then I would not prescribe any treatment.
ReplyDeleteIf the pregnancy has resolved, as confirmed by blood pregnancy test following the presumed ectopic, then no further treatment or evaluation is required.
Dr. Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program
Monterey, California, U.S.A.
for additional information check out my blog at http://womenshealthandfertility.blogspot.com check me out on twitter with me at @montereybayivf and facebook @montereybayivf. Skype and internet comprehensive consultations now available via my website for those who want a more extensive evaluation that this site can accommodate
hello.... please call me sam.... im 28 years old,married, and i want to get pregnant but im diagnosed with multi nodular thyroidsm and my menstrual period last only for a day for almost 2 years now or since i noticed the growth in my thyroid it usually last for 3 days
ReplyDeleteHello Sam,
DeleteYou didn't put a question in your comment. Did you have one? The amount of bleeding in a period is not of any consequence in regards to your getting pregnant, but your thyroid needs to be functioning normally.
Good Luck
Hi my name is Renee. Over the past 2 years my periods have been irregular. About a year in a half ago I was told I had a Fibroid on my Uterus, but at this time I wasn't getting any periods(lasted for about(5-6mos). Since then I was told I know signs of Fibroids and I am now getting periods, but I'm getting them more than I'd like to. For example, I would get a period on the 1st (note: all of them are light-to medium periods and would last for a month or two at a time. I would probably get a couple of days off and then it would come back on a little lasting for the same amount of time. I don't get the cramps or anything, it's just I'm bleeding, not heavy, but i'm bleeding. What do you think it is?... I should mentioned me and my boyfriend are sexually active.
ReplyDeleteHello Renee,
DeleteI don't mind giving advice but I cannot make a diagnosis. You would need to have some testing done and an examination to try to find the cause of your bleeding. Fibroids is not necessarily the cause if the fibroid is not within the uterine cavity. There are multiple other possibilities.
ReplyDeleteit will be great help to me if you can help me... i 26 years old. single. (engaged but not married yet). i have not done sex yet. so it is not a matter of pregnancy.
i have taken some pills to delay my period for some religious pooja and now i am getting it for lesser than one day.. i am worried about this. as my marriage is after two months. because of this i am having problem of pimples and overweight. i havent informed him about this.. i hope this is not a serious matter.
hoping for your prompt reply.
DeleteI cannot tell you specifically what is happening without more detailed information, such as what this "religious pooja" is. However, if I had to guess, it may be some type of hormonal medication that has a strong androgenic (male hormone) component so it is thinning your uterine lining and causing male hormone side effects. If it bothers you, you might want to reconsider whether you should take it.
Good Luck
need some advice:
ReplyDelete36 yrs old. 2 kids: 8yrs and 4 yrs. one miscarriage 5 yrs ago. 2 yrs very heavy bleeding and spotting nearly every day. Had d and c. diagnosis thick endrometrium. no abnormality. progesterone pill 6 months after. no spotting and normal periods 4 -5 days long. recently last 5 months periods very light 2 days. still regulalar as always. is this menapause? blood FBC raised bilrubin Gilbert syndrome? no autoimmune. wanting to fall pregnant.
DeleteThere is not sufficient information to give you specific advice. However, if you are still using Progesterone, it will thin out the uterine lining and lead to less of a flow. In that case, your decreased flow would be normal. Alternatively, if you are not using progesterone, a flow can be as short as 2-3 days and be considered normal so I don't necessarily think you should worry.
Good Luck.
Hi, i am 35 years old and wanting to have children. My partner, 2 years younger wants to wait a few more years before trying though, which to me is due to selfish reasons. I was advised last year to come off the pill which i had been on since aged 17 after suffering bad cramps/pains/bleeding for the last 2 years. Endometriosis was ruled out after a laproscopy and just a small fibroid was found which i was told was nothing to worry about. My concern with my age and having to wait until my partner is ready is will i have difficulty conceiving. My dr has told me before (when having internal/smear etc) that i have a low womb, the pains i suffered being on the pill has worsened since stopping lasting 3 out of 4 weeks with me in tears and my periods have continued to be regular - every 30-33 days but only bleeding really lightly for a day or 2 at the most. As i cannot try to have a baby YET do you think these issues show i have a liklihood of low fertility as more than anything i want children.
DeleteWith the severity of the cramping you are having, I am still wondering if you might have endometriosis (missed on the previous laparoscopy) or possibly a variant within the uterine muscle called adenomyosis. Both of these could affect your ability to get pregnant by natural means.
You are also correct about your age. The statistics are at 35 years old, you have a 30% chance of pregnancy per year whereas a 37 it is down to 15% per year. This change is due to aging eggs which affect egg quality. So they are less fertile. That doesn't mean you can't get pregnant, only that it will be significantly more difficult. In general, if a patient presents with infertility at age 37 or older, specialists recommend that they go to IVF. In addition, you risk of miscarriage will significantly increase as well.
Finally, it sounds like you might have an ovulation or hormonal problem which will also impact your chances for a natural pregnancy.
Hello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI am 25 and unmarried, not had sex. Length of my periods has been reducing since around when i was 20, used to be around 3-4 days during my teenage, and has reduced to little more than 1 day now. Also, my hands become cold very easily, not sure if they are related.
I'm planning to get married soon. Wanted to know if my reproductive health is normal, and if I will be able to have children as normal.
Awaiting your reply.
Thank you,
Hi Joanna,
DeleteI can't answer your question. A woman's fertility or reproductive potential involves a very elaborate sequence of events in your body. These steps would have to be evaluated to know whether pregnancy is possible or not. That being said, 85% of women in your age group get pregnant within one year so there is no reason to think that you can't get pregnant.
Good Luck
Hi doc, I have missed my period for about 3 months now, last period ended 30th July. Me and my husband have just started to have in protected sex 3-4 months ago trying for a baby. Ever since then my period has not come. Just two days ago my period came but it really just made a stain in my under wear and then it stopped. I had done about 4 pregnancy test in the past 3 months and they have all come back negative. I am a bit worried now as I don't know what is happening. I am trying not to think about it but just doesn't seem to work. Any ideas??? Thanks
ReplyDeleteFirst I would recommend that you see your Gynecologist about this and have a blood prgnancy test done. If it is in fact negative, then your doctor should induce a period using a medication called "Provera" or an equivalent progesterone. On the second or third day of the period, you should have hormonal testing done to begin trying to figure out why you did not have your periods. From there other tests may need to be done as well, but your doctor will decide that.
DeleteUsually, the lack of a period is an indication that ovulation did not occur. Without ovulation, an egg is not released and so you can't get pregnant. That problem needs to be solved for you to get pregnant.
Good Luck
Hello Doctor Ramirez,
ReplyDeleteI am 38 years old. My husband and I tried to conceive for 6 months unsuccessfully. Then the tests begun and they found 2 uterine polyps which were removed last month (1 broad based and 1 cm; the other was small). Otherwise they diagnosed "unexplained infertility". Since we started trying to conceive, I have noticed quite a few changes in my cycles. At first I thought I was just paying more attention, but the changes continued while my attention remained the same.
My period was always regular, light, short (1 day blood and 1/2 day of brown discharge) and I barely had any symptoms. As soon as we started trying to conceive, my periods remained the same, but my breasts were painfully tender for at least a week before my period started --I even think my nipples were darker. When testing begun and the polyps were removed, we did not have intercourse for 2-3 months. My first period after surgery was longer (3-4 days), more and cleaner blood, and I have no pre-menstruation symptoms again --no breast tenderness, lighter nipples...
My questions is: what may have caused those pre-menstruation symptoms to appear as soon as I was TTC and to go away as soon as we 'rested'? Does it have to do with the fact that we were having intercourse during ovulation (TTC)? Or does it have something to do with the polyps and the surgery? Or none of the above... Thanks! GSC
DeleteI'm afraid I don't have an answer for your question. It is certainly not the polyps, but sounds more like a hormonal issue. However, every cycle is a new cycle and the hormones start over again and go through their normal process. Why they would cause specific symptoms in one cycle over another is an unknown in this case.
Good Luck
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ReplyDeleteHi, Doc! I just recently lost my virginity two months ago. Protection was used, but he did ejaculate on me in the vaginal region. 3-4 days after that I got my period. Which was strange, because I have irregular periods. I always have. I don't have them for months at a time or I can have one long period over the span of a month or two. I've been told that I have PCOS and started treatment with Sprintec, but I haven't had a prescription filled since September of last year. I don't have medical insurance currently. Back to my point, that cycle lasted about 8 days. I haven't seen a period since, and I've taken pregnancy tests at home and they were all negative. I've been having brownish-red discharge up until this month. Today is the second time in the last week or so that I've had one day periods. Didn't even last a full day, it went on for a couple of hours and then I pass a large blood clot and I don't see anymore blood after that. I fear that I may be pregnant or having a miscarriage or an ovarian cyst. I think the latter is more likely than pregnancy because of having a period so close after having sex. I didn't have a period prior to losing my virginity. I'm 21 years old, if that's of any concern. I hope you can help. I've been as thorough as possible in my details.
DeleteI know you have written looking for answers but I don't think I can give you any. The fact that your cycles are irregular makes it difficult to interpret what is going. That means that there is no baseline normal.
Urine pregnancy tests certainly would make one think that you are not pregnant, but without a blood pregnancy test, that can't be provern for sure.
I know you don't have insurance but I think your best option is to see a Gynecologist so that the problem can be worked out.
Good Luck
Hello, I'm 35 and was due my period on 10th of this month. The evening before had a little spotting and had normal cramping that I usually have on the first day of my period. I came off birth control about 3 months ago and last had intercourse about 3 weeks ago. If it was implantation bleeding wouldn't it have happened soon after intercourse and not on the day my period was due?
DeleteThe bleeding was most likely due to intercourse rather than implantation bleeding or pre-menstrual bleeding. There is no way to distinguish the source.
Good Luck
I am 17 years old and I've had my period since I was 10. My period has always been on time if not for some exceptions, and more importantly it always lasted around 5 days. These past two months though I only got like very few discharge for a day and at first it was red and then brown but again it didn't even "flow" a whole day. I am very worried especially since I am concerned it has to do with me losing weight although my health is definitely much better and i feel much better. However I'm worried that somehow the fact that I am eating less than before has affected my period. I am worried because this has never happened to me before - i used to get serious pain and heavy flow for at least the first 3 das and now suddenly it's like small flows for a day. I hope this does not mean that I have something wrong and that has to do with fertility because some people have said that it's a bad sign and that there could be something wrong with my reproductive system. I have never had sex with anyone so it definitely has nothing to do with this problem. I would really appreciate some help!
ReplyDeleteA lighter and shorter cycle does not necessarily mean that anything is wrong. It is not related to your weight unless you have been undergoing excessive exercise and therefore reduced the fat content in your body. Anorexia and marathon runners can cause the hypothalamus to shut down leading to a disorder called hypothalamic amenorrhea, or lack of periods. A blood hormone test can check for this. Since you have some bleeding, I don't think you have this problem.
ReplyDeleteI've had relatively heavy periods between the ages of 14 to 20. I am now reaching the end of my 20s. I've been on the same Yasmin birth control for around 10 months, and for the last 4, including this month, I have had little to no period, just a pink/orangeish blood and a lot of brown discharge. I have no pregnancy symptoms and I did a test around 2 months ago that came back negative. I sometimes have pain during sex, but had a full STI check during this time that also came back normal.
Could there be any explanation? I'm having a horrible panic that I may be prematurely menopausal.
Thanks from the UK
The birth control pill, especially low estrogen dosage pills, can cause only a very thin endometrial lining to develop. If there is no lining, or minimal lining, there won't be anything to slough and therefore no bleed. This is not abnormal. This is a normal effect of the birth control pill.
DeleteIn terms of the pain with intercourse, that may be caused by something completely different and needs to be evaluated by your gynecologist.
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeletei want to ask if im pregnant if i have a negative result of pregnancy test but only few amount bleeding for only 1 time, It is implantation bleeding? am I pregnant?
Sorry. The only way to know whether or not you are pregnant is to do a blood pregnancy test at this point. In terms of the bleeding, there is no absolute way to know what it is from.
DeletePls doc I need an advice from you I had DnC 4yrs ago and its like its still hunting me till date.after the DnC my period reduced from 5days to 2 or 3days and my breast still brings out milk when I press have take a prolatin drugs for that but it will stop and come back am about to get married soon but scared cos of fear of infertility,HELP
ReplyDeleteThe decrease in bleeding may not necessarily be an issue unless scar tissue was formed from the D&C. A hysteroscopy is a test that can be done to examine the uterine cavity and make sure it is normal.
DeleteIn terms of the milk production, you should have a fasting prolactin hormone level checked. If it is elevaated, it needs to be evaluated to make sure there is not a tumor in the pituitary and then treatment appropriately. If surgery is not required, which is the case in most cases, medication is given to reduce the prolactin level. You need to be on that medication for six months after the level returns to normal.
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ReplyDeleteHello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI am 26 year old. I got married in march 2012. I got pregnant in April. After 8 weeks, in June I had miscarriage. During miscarriage also I had less bleeding. My periods was regular till I got pregnant. I used to bleed for 4 to 5 days.In October I was taking medication for cold. In October my periods got delayed for 10 days. In November ,I got my periods in 28 days.But less bleeding. It lasts for 3 days. 4 th n 5th day only spotting. Now we are planning to get pregnant again. Can I try or do I have to consult doctor for less bleeding ?? Whether this will affect my pregnancy chance ?? I m worried. Plz help me.
Hello Kavitha,
DeleteI deleted your previous posted question because it was a duplicate.
The amount of bleeding with your menses is not an issue in terms of your ability to get pregnant. As explained in this post, the amount of bleeding is directly proportional to the amount of endometrium produced, but does not indicate that the endometrium is inadequate for implantation. Good Luck
Dear Dr. Edward
ReplyDeleteMy periods are very irregular ( always late ). For last few months I have been getting them after 52 days. I am very worried as I feel it can affect me getting pregnant.
Pls advise
Hello Puja,
DeleteSorry for the delay in answering this question. Somehow it got lost in my extensive cue.
Irregular periods means that the ovaries are not working properly. You need to undergo testing to find out specifically what is wrong and then an appropriate treatment can be prescribed. In most cases, fertility medication is used to induce the ovaries to function correctly and then pregnancy can ensue.
Good Luck
Hello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI am 30. Trying for a baby last two years.. but didn't get success.Dr. snuggest for ivf. But I am working woman & cant leave my job. it is important take bed rest after embryo transfer. plz reply.
Studies have shown that bedrest is not required nor helpful after embryo transfer.
ReplyDeleteI am 22 years old and I have ovarian cycts, endometriosis, and also interstitial cystitis. At the first of the month I had maybe an hour of a menstrual cycle and then it stopped. It still has not started again. The past few months my periods of been becomeing more and more irregular. After the hour of bleeding happened the next day my breasts became severely sore and have been like this for a few days now.
what can cause this?
It is possible that there is some type of hormonal imbalance occurring but I can't give you more specific information without more specific evaluation.
DeleteHello I need some help with answers plz I'm 37 yrs old and have had 5 living children. In 1998 I had my tubes tied cut and burn however in 2006 they put me in surgery to have scar tissue removed and my tubes were no longer tied and looked like they we're growing back . They put dye in them to see it they were open and they weren't . In 2011 I was rushed in to ultrasound cuz they said my right ovary was dead then I went to surgery and it was running 100% so I still have it my problem is this I have normal cycles at about 6 days and this month out of the blue just bleed light red one day my Brest are swollen and hurt I have some pain on left ovary but not real bad I have pressure in lower abdomen what could be going on I took a pg test 3 days after the bleeding it came back neg plz help me its making me crazy .
DeleteI would love to offer you some advice but you didn't enclose a question.
Plz help me I'm so confused I'm a 37 yr old women that has gone through a lot I have had 5 living children in 1998 I had my tubes tied cut and burn however in 2006 I had to have surgery to have scar tissue removed the doctor saw the tubes were no longer tied and look like they were growing back they put a dye in them to see if they were open and they were not in 2011 I was rushed to surgery cuz the er said my right ovary was dead when I was in surgery the doctor said it was running 100% so all my cycles have been normal and last about 6 days but this month I bleed one day light red changing pads about every 3 he's wasn't much at all I have bloating some pain in my left ovary but not bad pain my breasts r swollen hurt and very tender I took a pg test 3 days after the bleeding and it was neg my scare it a tubale plz help me try and figure this out I'm scared .
ReplyDeleteThis is a repeat of the previous question. Please ask a specific question so that I can help give you advice. Based on the information you've given in the history, some of the information is incorrect. For example, one cannot tell if the ovaries are functioning 100% by looking at them at surgery. Also, if the tubes were cut and burned, it is unlikely that they've "grown back together." Breast tenderness can be from other hormonal issues and not just pregnancy.
DeleteHi my girl friend has a 3 day menstrual cycle, but this month she had just two days and also was feeling sleepy at work, pls could she be pregnant because we re not ready for that now and what is the way out. She has tried the home pregnancy kit and the result was negative.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that she had a one day shorter period does not mean that she is pregnant and the home pregnancy test confirmed this. If you are very worried about this, I would recommend a blood pregnancy test, but would expect it to be negative as well.
DeleteI am 33. I had 3 normal births then I had my tubes tied. My periods before my tubal was 3 to 5 days evey 28 days but since my tubal in 2005, my periods only last a day to a day and a half and they are anywhere between 1 to 7 days late. The dr checked my thyroid and done some blood work and says everything looks fine. Could I be going through early menopause? I have night sweats and I seem to sweat more often which I hardly used to do.
ReplyDeleteIf you were menopausal, the blood tests FSH/LH would be able to tell. If those tests are normal, then you are not menopausal.
DeleteHello Doctor
ReplyDeleteIam 26 years old. I had a misscarriage in 2011 due to lack of heart beat. Iam trying to conceive now. My periods come on regular basis. But it last only for one day. Is this normal? Can i conceive again healthily?
DeleteThe length of your period should not affect your ability to get pregnant unless it indicates that you are not creating an adequate endometrial lining. The test for that would be an ultrasound done around the time of ovulation or soon after and make sure that it is at least 9 mms with a triple stripe.
Hello from the Middle East, doctor!
ReplyDeleteI'm 42 years old and off the pill for just 3 months. I was on pill for the past 8 years, and felt really tired taking it every single day.
My cycle has gone whack since I got off the pill, and menstruated only one day for Feb (3rd Feb to be exact). I had brown spots in the morning. All clear this evening. My last period was Jan 13 and lasted 3 days.
Can you please enlighten me?
Thank you so much!
DeleteI can't give you any specific answers to your question because it's too broad. One thing I can advise is not to draw any conclusions based on only one abnormal episode. I would wait a little and see how things progress. It will then give more information to evaluate.
Thank you for your reply, doctor. I appreciate it very much.
DeleteThank you for your reply, doctor. I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteHi, I have some concerns about my menses.
ReplyDelete1) Before marriage, my period was on a normal flow. After marriage, about 7-8 months afterwards, my period flow reduced. For the current month, I had moderate flow for about 1.5 days and little or no flow for the next few days.
My concern is, is this a normal life-span of periods? Or is it abnormal?
2) Four months ago, I believed to have a miscarriage at the point of time of my menses at 3 weeks (do correct me if I’m wrong). I was 5 days late & I was having shortness of breath on the day my period supposed to come. On the 5th night, I had a terrible cramp, which is not normal for me for months. That night, the flow came. The cramp continues for another day before it subsides.
2 days later, I found a bean-sized blood clot on the pad. I believed that I had a miscarriage.
Since then, the shortness of breath will come when ovulation is around the corner and around one week before my period came, it happens every day. This cycle of shortness of breath happens every month now.
Is the shortness of breath linked to my menses, due to hormonal changes? Or is there any other explanation to it? Is this going to continue for the rest of my life?
Thank you in advance for replying.
hi i am 23 years old, my periods was started at the age of 13 , and at tha time periods were normal, but since 5 to 6 years my period bleeding is very light, at first day it is better the second day becomes light and after this it becomes so lighter that at 5th or 6th day i get a blood stain only, i git treatment for this, my ultrasonds and blood tests are clear, my ovaries are normal in size, does it have any affect on my pregnancy? i am much worried about it. iam unmarried.
ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Ramirez,
ReplyDeleteI have Lupus and am positive for anti-phospholipid hormone. I am currently on warfarin to prevent clots. My husband and I wanted to do IVF but I need to time it as we are planning to do it across the country.
I had a stillbirth last year in Aug and have since been on the minipill to minimize risk of blood clots. This however makes my cycle irregular now with a period every 2-4 weeks. My question is do you have a suggestion on how to time my period to do my IVF cycle? My OB is not comfortable giving me BC with estrogen but from what I'm reading, couldn't I take a mixed BCP and Lovenox and still be okay for egg retrieval? If I start a mixed BCP, will it effectively time my IVF cycle?
I know there are still risks with clotting but I'm willing to risk it. I just don't want to go across the country and not be able to do my IVF if my period doesn't come when its supposed to!! Thanks so much. K
Hi, I am 29 years old, My period has stopped for 3 months now, (not sexually active , no chance of pregnancy) Before my menstruation completely stopped, my period lasted 1 day and was weak. this went on for few months, I think I noticed it getting lighter and lighter and shorter.
ReplyDeleteI am not taking any birth control, haven't been taking for at least 1 year a half. (before I was on nuvaring for about 5 years)
To tell you all of my symptoms, I am gaining weight, gained about 10 lbs in 3~4 months ( much more appetite) I am tired all the time, have night sweats some days worse than others and my last two fingers go numb when I sleep, very dry skin, enlarged submandibular lymphnodes bi-lateral, about 2.5X3cm,
Do i need to be concerned? if i need tests; which tests do you recommend that I get the most? I have no insurance and bills concern me.
DeleteThe symptoms you gie are vague so of course I can't give a diagnosis. I would recommend that you undergo evaluation to try to figure out what is going on. It would be best to see either a gynecologist or reproductive endocrinologist.
Good Luck
Hi Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI am 34 years old.Had 2 abortion in the past.One is ectopic and other one done through the doctor as I was in my initial stage of marriage and thoght it was too early to have a baby.We are trying for baby now and found haing a blocked fallopian tube due to the reversal effect of ectopic pregancy.
I had my blood test and look evrything normal.But my menstruation cycle is very short only one day or sometime one and half day and the bleeding is very less.This is happening since last six months and went thorugh all your replies so worried on my chance of getting pregnanat
You don't pose a question but if I understand you correctly and you have had an ectopic pregnancy, then that might be the reason why you have not been able to achieve pregnancy again. You may require proceeding to IVF in order to achieve pregnancy.
DeleteGood Luck
Hi Doctor. I am an extremely worried 19 year old. Up until now, I have had regular periods, I would say with a 35 day cycle. My periods we're never heavy and usually last up to 5 days with the 4th and 5th days having minimal bleeding. However since November 2012 I have been experiencing problems with my cycle.
ReplyDeleteNov 2012:Period was on time, but only lasted two days.
Dec 2012: Period was on time and lasted five days.
Jan 2013: No period at all.
Feb 2013: Period was on time (Based on if I had a period in January) but this time only one day, and there was barely any bleeding which leads me to conclude that it was not in fact a period.
March/April 2013: This was on time, and the flow of bleeding was normal, but on the third day it's like it completely stopped?
I dont know what's wrong with me, and it's worrying me so much...could this be a symptom of PCOS, and does having bleeding for only two days affect fertility?
Also, I am not sexually active (never have been), nor am I overweight.
Thank you.
DeleteAt this point I can't say that you meet the criteria for PCO because you are having regular cycles. THe basic requirement for the PCO diagnosis is an ovulation dysfunction which means irregular menstrual cycle.
I'm not sure that there is anything for you to be concerned about. The amount of bleeding an be inconsistent and yet normal. Cycles can vary from cycle to cycle. So for now, I would just keep track of it, but not worry too much.
ReplyDeleteim swetha married 1yr ago sexually active using condoms as we are not ready for baby. i have periods regularly bt 1-7 days lately i.e. any day between 30-37days cycle and it lasts for 5 days (1st 2 days heavy and nxt days light). but this month i spotted brown discharge that lasted for 1 day only. can i know this effects to conceive? im very much worried plz replay.
DeleteI don't think there is much information I can give you. There is not much of a problem and since you are not currently trying for pregnancy, I don't you need to worry too much. Your cycles have a little irregularity but they are within the normal range, so I would assume that you can get pregnant as long as you don't have any other problems.
ReplyDelete5 years ago my husband had a no-scalpel vasectomy, results came back all clear then back in october 2012 i had a very late period worked it out to be about 3 weeks i wasnt stressed so couldnt put it down to that. so we went to the doctors and had bloods for everything but nothing was wrong but the thing is now i only have one day period it lasts about 12 hours in total yes i did time it lol ive read all the things on no-scalpel vasectomy and they say there is no way i can get pregnant and the doctor said i wasnt so i think i can rule that out just dont understand y its suddenly gone down to one day well 12 hours really can you help please is it normal sorry didnt say im 30 years old also ive had fluttering in my belly but looked that up to and it can be my body digesting food really need advice asap thanks
DeletePeriod flow can vary from time to time and that can be normal. The only way to absolutely rule out a pregnancy (all sterilization methods have failure rates) is to do a blood pregnancy test. If that is negative then there is nothing to be concerned about.
I had an early miscarriage back in December, since then I have noticed that my periods begin with brown spotting for a day, heavy bleeding for a day, then 3-4 days of brown spotting. I also have a LP of around 11-12 days. Do you think these are signs of low progesterone? Thanks for your help.
DeleteThe amount of bleeding depends on the thickness of the endometrial lining, not necessarily progesterone. The thickness is determined by estrogen. I don't think that you current menstrual bleeding pattern is necessarily abnormal.
Now, a luteal phase of 11-12 days is a little short. It should be 14 days from the day of ovulation. The difficulty is knowing exactly when ovulation occurs. If you have a shortened luteal phase, then that is a progesterone problem and progesterone supplementation may be required.
I neglected to mention, when the luteal phase is shorted, this is called a "luteal phase defect". The diagnosis is made by doing an endometrial biopsy for dating at the very end of the menstrual cycle (D#26-27). The Pathologist can look at the cellular development of the biopsy and "date" the lining. It should be within 3 days of the actual cycle day (which is determined by counting backwards from the ensuing period.
DeleteI had an early miscarriage back in September.For 2 months my period were normal but since last 2 or 3 months flow of my periods were very light but it lasts for a week.days are not the problem but the flow is.Before miscarriage length of my period was 26 days now its 28 days Me and my husband are trying to conceive again.will it effect my fertility
ReplyDeleteThere is no way to predict if this will affect your chances of becoming pregnant but it might. Sometimes having a light flow means that an adequate endometrial lining is not being created. If the lining is inadequate, then embryo implantation would be compromised.
DeleteI haven't seen my period in 43 days
ReplyDeleteI have a history of irregular periods but for the 2years iv been normal coming every month 5-7 days and was able to time,them my last period was around the end of feb. Begging of march took a home pregnancy test it was neg. What could be the problem
Hello Shay,
DeleteYou're seeking information that I can't give you via the internet without additional information. It is most likely a hormonal problem. You need an evaluation to discover the cause.
Good Luck
I need help! I don't have regular periods, they come and go almost every year or 2 (meaning I'll have a regular 5-7 day period then it wont come back for like a year or 2 years.) The last period i had was back in 2012 and it lasted for 14 days. I am overweight so that could be a reason why they are irregular. But i noticed the other day i had brown spotting and i received my period for one day...does this mean it's trying to come on or is there something wrong?
ReplyDeleteHello Sarah,
DeleteYou probably have a hormonal disorder that is affecting your ovarian function. I would strongly recommend that you see a gynecologist to have this evaluated. It is NOT good for your body to not have a period at least every three months. Without this you would be have an increased risk of major acute hemorrhagic bleeding, endometrial cancer or abnormality and other long term side effects (such of which are not reversible). That is why it is important to see a gynecologist and undergo evaluation.
Good Luck
i had my regular periods and this time also i had it bt the flow was oly when i went to washroom oly once for one day is it a pblm or am i pregnant. i evn had my pregnancy test it showed -ve result am bit worried is there any pblm in me. am 28 yr old maried one year complted..
ReplyDeleteIt may be normal.
ReplyDeleteI have got married 5 months back and since then my periods last only for 2 days and that too its avergae bleeding. Earlier I used to have normal bleeding with heavy flow for 2 days and normal flow for 2 days. But now I am worried. Is there a way by which I can get back to my previous cycle?
Also i have shifted to a new country after marriage. Due to this every month my weight increases by 1-2 kgs and I am not able to get rid of that weight even after my period is over. Please help.
The decease in flow is not an abnormality and there is not way to "return" to the previous flow. I cannot account for the weight gain so there is nothing for me to offer as advice.
Deletehello doctor
ReplyDeletemy age is 24 and i m single.
my problem is that i have very weak periods that last usually one day or even less than that although they are very regular ie. every 27th ir 28h day.
sir i m very worried about how would that affect my fertility in furure.
please provide me some solution or is there a need to consult a doctor. plaese help me.
I addressed this issue in the text above for this topic. You should read through it again. One cannot predict the future so whether or not it affects your fertility is an unknown. It is possible that you may not have adequate hormones and so your lining is not thickening enough. That could impair implantation of an embryo. At this point you will just have to wait and see how things proceed once you start trying for pregnancy. There isn't anything that can be done at this time.
Deletehi, i'm 23 years old, and i've a weak periods... It last only for 1 and half day, that too no bleeding in night...
ReplyDeleteIs it a problem??
I even visited a gynaec, she told me to undergo following blood test... FSH, LH, T3, T4, TSH, Insulin, testostorone,proloction...shall i do these tests??
I addressed your question in the text above. It is not necessarily abnormal. The hormone tests are worthwhile as a screen but may not furnish any useful information.
Deletedr, am 27 years old,i got conieved right after 2 months of my marriage and had misscarriage at 37 days,now 2 months past after that misscarriage,i usually have 2 days of periods but now it turned 1 day,, can i become preganant again?pls do reply,am suffering a bad guilt feel still..........
ReplyDeleteBased on the information that you have provided, I can see no reason why you can't get pregnant again.
Deletethank u dr.... my concern is should take any hormone test since i had miscaariage,,,right after miscarriage we trid and i got e.coli infection and treatment,,will taht affect my future pregnancy
Delete/ i knew when am ovulationing with regular periods that appears egg white,should i try before ovulation or after ovulation,pls reply.
I'm Stephanie I'm 28 and I recently had my paragard iud removed after almost 6 years on April 1 2013. I had my April and May periods on time, roughly 25 days apart but they only lasted for one day. It was heavy enough to need a tampon. My cycle with the iud was almost a week long and consistently heavy. My husband and I are actively trying to conceive and I'm worried that the iud has had negative effects on me. I'm trying to track my ovulation and all that but I'm wondering now if I should be worried about any of this? Any insight you can give me would be great. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThe Paragard IUD is non-hormonal and therefore should not have any effect on your menstrual cycles or flow. Since your cycles were regular, and despite the heavy bleed for 7 days, I would not necessarily consider it to cause any difficulties with getting pregnant. The amount of bleeding with the period is usually dependent on the thickness of the endomtrium that was formed in that cycle.
DeleteGood Luck
so here goes my story i been in birth control for the past year and half, but last month i was starting my new pack of pills after my week free off them. so i was with my boyfriend and i was only two days that i have started my pills,,and he came inside ?? so i was concerned the whole month about pregnancy but my pill free came and i had a period...but it only lasted a day ..i thought that was weird but it was a period so i was relieved ..so then this month came along and so i took my pills and then when it got to my week free of pills i only had a day period again..?? i dont really know whats going on with my self ..please help!!
ReplyDeleteIf you are taking a low estrogen dose pill with a high potency progesterone, the endometrial lining will not be very thick and so the amount of tissue to slough (bleed) will not be much. That is normal.
Deletehi i am 21years old i first started my periods when i was about 14-15
ReplyDeletethey where always irregular i could of gone about 3-5 months with out a period,
i had a baby when i was 20 the birth was perfectly fine no tares, no problems
since then i have been regular with my periods every 4-5 weeks and last about 6-7 days, until i started my period two days ago and its the faintest blood, witch is unusual because iv always been sort of heavy on my periods, i do have to wear a pantie liner as i do get about a pea size of faint blood in there, and when i go toilet and wipe its the same faint blood. can i please have some advice on this as i am a bit of a hypochondriac, and always think there is something wrong with me.. thank you ..
I wish I could tell you what is going one but that is not possible in this venue. It is not necessarily abnormal to have a minimal flow, but if you're worried about it, you should have someone do an evaluation to see if your hormones are normal and you are forming a normal endometrial lining.
DeleteI am 33 yrs old and my period flow for 1 and half days, very dark and dried for close to 10 yrs now. i do not know which i ovulate and some times i will see some thing that look like rotten egg in my Virgina. i have taken alot of pills to no avail. what could be the problem.
I'm sure you mean "Vagina" and not "Virginia", but I'm afraid I can't tell you what may be wrong with the limited information that you've given. I would recommend that you see a gynecologist so that an examination can be done, and maybe take the "rotten egg" item in as well so they can evaluate it pathologically.
DeleteHey Dr Edward...im 24 yrs nd a medical student...sir i had my cycle wen i was of 10 then it remain regular with 5/28 till last 6months...from last 6 months my flow has been reduce from 5 to 2 days and now its hardly for a day...im a bit healthy bt not obese...sir i didnt bother much before bt since i heard that pcos i got terrified...thou its signs are not significant bt ths reduce flow may have some concern..on the basis of ur experience and good knowledge do u think is there any obvious pathology going on or shud i jst let it like this..im worried because in next 2-3 yrs i may get married nd i really dont want someone to suffer because of my problem i wana clear it to myself atleast...ll appreciate if u reply back soon..
DeleteThe simple symptom of a reduced flow does not necessarily predict fertility problems, as I've explained in this blog post. However, because flow is dependent on the thickness of the edometrial lining, which is dependent on estrogen production, which is dependent on ovulation, it is something that could possible interfere or make it difficult. It is not something that I would worry about unless you have difficulty getting pregnant for at least 12 months. You probably have not studied this yet, but every cycle is a brand new cycle and the endometrial lining starts anew. One cycle does not necessarily predict the next. I hope this answer was clear as I see that English may not be your native language.
By the way, PCO is defined by having several characteristics,and one of the required characteristics is irregular menstrual cycles. If your cycles are regular, you do no have PCO.
Good Luck
I'm 19 and last July when I was 18 my period had stop all together for 3.5 months. I went to my doctor and she said things were normal. I was producing estrogen and I was not pregnant. So we didn't know why it had stopped. I was then put on a pill for 5 days to start my period back up. And a week later it had started and I started birth control. Might I add my period before was very irregular. So I was put on birth control to regular it. My first set of pill had too much estrogen and I had horibble headaches and migrains that lasted for days so I was put on a lower level of estrogen pills to clear them up. My periods were normal 5-7days but th e last 2 periods they had lasted less than a day with very few drops of blood. I don't know what is wrong nor do I know if I need to see my doctor
DeleteThe amount of bleeding depends on the thickness of the endometrial lining, which is dependent on the amount of estrogen in your system. If you are on a low dose birth control pill, the progesterone is blocking some of the estrogen effect so the lining is thin. As a result you won't have much bleeding, so in this case, since you know that you are on the pill, the reduction in bleeding is normal. In some cases you won't have any bleeding at all.
Hello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI am 34 years old with a 13 year old daughter. My periods have been pretty regular, im march my period only lasted 2 days, I skipped april, may was 2 days, and yesterday june 1st I woke up with it and this morning june 2nd1st it was gone. I have been getting hot flashes and am a little dizzy at times. I took a pregnancy test because my normal period usually lasts 5 days. What is wrong with me?
DeleteYou may have some type of hormonal problem going on so you should see your gynecologist and have some testing done. It could be several structures such as thyroid, which can occur at your age. It would be a little early for you to be in menopause but there is a disorder called premature ovarian failure (also known as premature menopause) that can affect younger women. Without having the proper testing done, it can't be know what the problem is, and it's best not to let it continue.
I had my mirana iud removed April 22 a week later or more on may 3rd I had my period today I started on time but bled half a day it was a light red color now its brown what's going on I'm so confused.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a little premature to be worried. This could be completely normal as your ovaries and uterus return to their normal function
DeleteI had my mirena iud removed in December 2012 I was told my fertility would return almost immediately and not to be surprised if I got my period right away.... which was true had it removed on a Wednesday or Thursday and had my period by that weekend...I have always had a 3 day period... and that first one was normal... I have 2 kids... 8 and 4 year old... before I conceived my 2nd child I did have a pregnancy that ended up with D&C because it was a blighted ovum I believe... My husband and I are now trying for a 3rd child... in March I had all the pregnancy symptoms... took 2 tests both positive but then I got my period... went to my gyno... did blood tests and concluded that hcg levels were declining until they were back at 0... since then my periods have only lasted one day..... this month it was 5 days late... and again only 1 day... I'm concerned because early menopause runs in my family... my mother had it at 37... my grandmother was also in her 30's... and my older sister which is about 5 years older is going thru it now... she started at 34... I'm 32 will be 33 this year... My question is could I either a be having fertility issues? or should I be concerned that these may be signs of early menopause?
ReplyDeleteThe answer to both questions is NO. Since you were able to get pregnant, even though it was a chemical pregnancy, shows that you can get pregnant. Also, a light menstrual flow does not mean that menopause is occurring. Usually there are other signs of menopause that occur first, like hot flashes. My recommendation would be to have your Ob/Gyn do a full hormone panel to make sure everything is normal.
DeleteHello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI am 30 years old and I am undergoing my icsi cycle. Last month they did egg retrieval and this month i got menses with very very less bleeding. It is kind of spotting. Is there anything to concern? Pls reply on this regard.
I'm afraid I don't understand your story. You had an IVF cycle last month and this month had a light bleeding. Does that mean you had a negative pregnancy test or are you still pregnant?
DeleteI had an incident and took plan b 15 hours prior to the incident. About 15 days last I got my period in the expected day and had light cramping and discomfort. The period was very light one or two clots and was redish brownish in colour, after day 1 the period was extremely light and mostly brown in colour and by day 3 I barely had to wear a tampon or liner, it was mostly brown in colour with some small bright red parts of the tampon.
ReplyDeleteWhat could this all mean? I'm concerned this isn't my real period and "implantation bleeding"
Pleae help :(
It sounds like your period but can't be absolutely sure based on your description. "Implantation bleeding" occurs about 10 days after ovulation, not at the expected time of the period, but even women in early pregnancy can have some light spotting or bleeding. So if you are worried about being pregnant, the only way to rule that out would be a blood pregnancy test. The plan B should have protected you but you never know for sure. All forms of contraception have a failure rate.
Deletehi there.my menstruation for the past few years lasted just in 2days but this may and june 15 of this year it only last for aday and just have brownish in color for 5days after the one day menstruation but very little.i have a seven year old daughter already and im married almost 8years already.after giving birth to my daughter i decided to take a birth control pill for almost 3years i just decided to stop taking it when i experience palpitations hard to breath and dizziness.my dr.said it was about the thyroid so i take meds for hyperthyroidism.but still symptoms are present despite of the meds until another dr .told me that my thyriud are ok and try to see a psychiatrist for suspecting that im on a panic attacks.i dont want to take the meds the psychiatrist prescribed cuz i dont want to rely on meds.just this year i noticed that the attacks is worse on before and especially after my menstruation.and also i havent been pregnant after giving birth to one.my husband works in other country but goes home and stay for a month but still cant get pregnant since then.is hormonal imbalance can cause panic attacks?is something to treat this kind of imbalnce?how can i get pregnant again.tnx and god bless
ReplyDeleteI think you need to see a fertility specialist. A fertility specialist will evaluate your hormones as well as other possible things that might prevent you from getting pregnant. We recommend such an evaluation after trying for 1 year and you have been trying for 8 years, so it's time to undergo a thorough evaluation by the right kind of doctor.
DeleteGood Luck
Hello Doc,
ReplyDeleteIm 29 yrs old, my menstrual cycle is of 30 days. I get regular periods with normal flow but only for 1 & half day. Im trying to conceive. I conceived twice, but then lost it in a week after confirmation. Im trying to conceive again but not succeeded. Please let me know if i have to go for treatment or so.
You are not at the point of needing any assistance yet. It takes 8-12 months for most women to get pregnant, and in your case, you have already been pregnant twice. In addition, we know that miscarriage rates can be as high as 40% per pregnancy, which is to say that miscarriages are fairly common. The amount of flow you have with your periods is not important at this point. So, for now, I would not worry too much. If you have another miscarriage, then you should see a specialist and undergo a recurrent pregnancy loss evaluation.
DeleteHello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you could advise me so that I can stop worry and relax. I cam off the pill in March 2012 and have been trying for a baby ever since. Since February my periods have gone from 5 days - medium flow to more or less 2 days. The other concern is that they are a mixture of brown sludge and little blood. I should also mention, on straining to release my bowels (Very politely put) while I am on my period I do force fresh red blood out. Should I be concerned? Should I go and speak to someone? Further is there any medication which could help this?
Thankyou so much
Since you have been trying for pregnancy for over one year, it is time for you to see an infertility specialist and undergo a thorough evaluation. Treatment will then be based on those findings.
Deletehello doctor,
ReplyDeletei am 24 years old. i have menstrual cycle last april 20 and may 20 but for this june, i have a bleeding this june 26. i have only a one day bleeding for these day.i thought i was 32, 32 cycle but this month of june i got it for 38 days is there any problem? how i come i have a bleed for only 1 day? and my cycle went to 38 days this june 26 instead of june 20(after may 20)? i hope you will reply. thank you.
If this is the first time to have a period that is off, then it is not a problem. If it continues to recur and your cycles are irregular, then you should have an evaluation done.
DeleteHi doctor, my normal period last for 5 days, 4 at the minimum, and it comes every 31 days. I had a miscarriage in February and I have had 3 normal periods since then. This month I got my period 3 days late and it only last 1 and a half days, this has never happened. I've been advised to test for pregnancy but I'm not sure of I should seeing as I had my 'period'. I do have unprotected sex almost every night, so I know pregnancy is possible.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think I should do? Should I do a test or just leave it?
I would recommend a pregnancy test just to make sure.
DeleteDear Doc Edward,
ReplyDeleteI am 28 years old trying to conceive. Few months ago, i had a missed period for more than 1 week. In this situation i made a pregnancy test which showed a faint line. Not knowing what i was going through, decided to test B-HCG that resulted 12.9 UL. The next morning i received my cycle. Does it mean i was pregnant but i had a miscarriage? Or it may happen that B-HCG without a reason?
My cycle stays 2-3 days with crapping on the first day. What could be the reason behind weak menses?
Last Month i went to the Gynecologist to Ultrasound the follicle on day 14-th of the cycle. Doc said it was 22 mm and i don't need Clomid.
When i expect ovulation i don't have any vaginal discharge as most women do. Does it mean i have hormonal imbalance not producing enough estrogen?
What should i do?
Thanks in advance for your answer!
The low bHCG followed by a drop or normal period is what we call a "chemical" pregnancy and is a form of miscarriage.
DeleteIn terms of your vaginal discharge not being the same as most women, I can't answer that question without an examination to verify. If it were true then a lack of estrogen could be an issue.
Hi I m 30yrs Married women, I got very less period this month.. Me and my husband are planning.. We went to gyaneac so they told me that my Polactine is high.So I m on sedatives...so is it because of that my period flow is very less?? It is as good as drops in whole day
ReplyDeleteProlactin can certainly affect your hormones, but if you have regular ovulation, then it is not the cause of your reduced bleeding. Bleeding is dependent more on estrogen and the uterine lining, whereas prolactin would affect ovulation, not the endometrial lining.
DeleteDear Doctor Edward ,
ReplyDeleteI am 50 years old black african and recently married 21 years old girl . My wife gets a bad pain when she got hewr period and when ever we had an intercourse . She used to have a regular menstruation before but the last few months her period lasts just one day .
We are together almost six months and she is not concieving please help us what is the problem . Thanks
There is not suffiient enough information to give you any specific advice or ansswer your question. Keep in mind that it can take 12 months for the average woman to achieve pregnancy, so 6 months is not a long enough amount of time to determine that there is a fertility problem.
DeleteIn terms of the pelvic pain, that would been to be evaluated, so I would recommend that you have her see a gynecologist.
hello sir my periods are first two days heavy third day spotting and fourth fifth day very light flo.after marriage i get pregnant but we dont want child that time so we abbort through abbortion pill. now after two year we are trying to concieve from three months but negative result befors my marriags my periods was good but after that abortion my period are some less.my question iss i m having any infertility issu according to above mentioned
ReplyDeleteThere is no fertility issue that I can see based on your described history.
DeleteGood day Doctor!
ReplyDeleteI am 26 years of age and I have been trying to conceive for almost a year now. 3 weeks ago, I had this symptoms: nausea,swollen breasts,feeling bloated,feels sleepy most of the time and missed my period. Thus, I was thinkin' that I might be pregnant. However,6 days after a missed period, i had my menstration. It was like I'm having a dysmennorhea (which is common to me),and I felt like I have an urge to push. So, I took a mefenamic acid to relieved pain. Menstration flow : Medium and reddish and very elastic just like testing a fertile like mucus.
On that same day, I found a bean like blood clot as I urinated.
On the second day of my menstration,its very light ( a panty liner would suffice),brownish blood and on the third day, menstration is done.
I find it strange because my normal menstration usually lasts for 7 days.
I do want to know your views about my situation.
Did I conceived and got miscarriage?
Do I need a surgery?
Thank You Doctor!
DeleteThere is certainly the possibility that you were or are pregnant. The only way to prove that is to do a blood (not urine) pregnancy test. However, if the pregnancy has already been lost (chemical pregnancy), the bHCG may come out negative. I don' think yo need any surgery.
I have spotting 3 days and bleed one day from past 2 months will this effect my chances of being pregnant
ReplyDeleteIt should not.
Deleteim 27 yrs,right after my marriage i got preganant with in 2 months,after 37 days of preganacy i got miscarriage ,after that we tired and i got e.coli infection and i took treatment,,will that affect my future pregnancy?
ReplyDeletei knew when am ovulationing with my regular periods that appears egg white,should i try before ovulation or after ovulation,pls reply.
You don't mention where the Ecoli infection was so I can't really answer that part of the question. E Coli has been implicated in causing tubal damage and blockage if it gets into the tubes.
DeleteIntercourse should begin before ovulation and continue for 1-2 days after ovulation.
Dear Dr Ramirez,
ReplyDeleteHello, I am 37 years old, I had my tubes tied almost 11 years ago after I gave birth to my daughter. My periods was always very regular lasting 3 to 5 days. For the past 3 months I have had 1 day periods. They start heavy but by that night or early the next morning it is completely gone. The color is a brownish. I do have a appointment with my doctor but its not for 3 weeks. I am losing my mind over this. What could cause this? Could I be pregnant or going threw early menopause?
The reduction in flow does not necessarily mean that there is anything wrong but seeng your doctor and having a check up is a good idea.
DeleteThank You for your response. Went for a check up and everything is fine :)
Deleteia m 28 years old had a misscarriage after finding line positive in my urine test, just 38 days , now 6 months past,can i get preganat again? i feel guilt seeing others who have kids ...just 8 months before i got married.am v.much concern now ,am travelling in 2 wheeler for job going,will that affect me getting preganant?should quit my job?pls reply dr,
ReplyDeleteYou can certainly try for pregnancy now, a two wheeler (motorbike) will not affect you getting pregnant and you should not quit your job.
DeleteHello ,
ReplyDeleteI am currently on birth control . I have had sex a little over two weeks ago. Two days ago I started having some break through bleeding, I stopped my birth control as my doctor instructed me if that were to happen for three days, today would be the third day I have not taken it. However , since that first day , I have had no signs of a period. I have had small signs of endometriosis in the past, my doctor instructed me to continue with my birth control to make it so I do not have periods to degrease the signs of the endometriosis, and I could not tell you when the last time I had one. I am very confused and concerned about this , and have a sense of worry because of a possibility that I could be pregnant .
What does this sound like ?
Certainly, a pregnancy test needs to be done if the period is missed because there is a failure rate on birth control pills. However, it is unlikely given that you didn't miss any pills. If you are using a low dose birth control pill (low estrogen dose) then it is not uncommon to not have a period because not enough of the endometrial lining is created to slough at the end. A period is basically just the endometial lining sloughing if a pregnancy has not occurred. So not having a pill could be totally normal.
DeleteAlthough the birth control pill is a reasonable treatment plan to reduce the incidence of endometriosis, it is not the best plan because birth control pills have estrogen in them and estrogen feeds the endometriosis. The best treatment plan is either to use a progesterone only pill or Depo provera (progesterone only). Both of these will compete with estrogen receptors and reduce the chance of endometriosis.
Hello, I am 24, single, unmarried woman. My period lasts only one day and the blood is brown, not fully red. the flow is not normally heavy.This occurs since 5 months-9 months. I never use peel because I do not have any physical relation with any body. Please let me know what is the wrong.
ReplyDeleteAs explained in this blog, the amount of flow is dependent on the amount of endometrial lining produced. If there is inadequate lining, then there will be little or no flow. If your periods are regular and predictable, it could mean that you are not producing adequate estrogen, however, even if you are having a period, there still could be a hormonal problem. You should undergo evaluation to determine/check these hormones.
DeleteHii, I'm 21 and although some people think it's wrong me and my partner have been trying for a little over a year now with no luck.
ReplyDeleteThe last 2-3 months my periods have been very light and only lasting a day or two but this months was a day with just a pinkish blood and a brownish discharge and was gone within 24 hours. I don't suffer from stress or anything like that.
I took a test around 3 weeks back which came up negative and one in the morning that didn't work at all.
I often feel sick and have heartburn, feel tired and have sensitive breasts which has only been occurring the last month.
I'm worried I can't get pregnant and that something may be wrong as I've read a lot that for my age nothing within a year may be a sign of problems.
Do you think I could be pregnant now or could there be an underlying problem?
I'd appreciate any advice you can give.
I should mention also my legs and feet have been feeling unusually heavy and ache a lot, don't know if it's connected but thought I'd mention it
ReplyDeleteHi Doc,
ReplyDeleteI'm 24 years old have been on birth control since I was 16. I've always had consistently regular periods (4-5 days) and take my pills at the same time each day, and would start my period on the same day of the week each month.
About 6 months ago I wasn't able to take my birth control pills for a whole month due to needing to see my Dr for a refill of the prescription. I started back that next month (5 months ago) and recently got married in April (4 months ago). I did have my normal period in April...but then in May I never started my period, took a bunch of home pregnancy tests, all negative. I am in Chiropractic school and was under a lot of stress with school and planning a wedding leading up to my marriage so I blamed stress. In June, I started but it was short, no period at all in July, and this one for August I could barely qualify it as being 1 day. Where should I go from here? Any thoughts?